Lost Dogs Home Cry Poor
[Update] The ABC have acknowledged that the Lost Dogs Home does actually get funding from government.
Lost Dogs Home Receive Millions from Government¶
You're possibly already funding The Lost Dogs Home through your Council rates. As a provider of pound services to Victorian Councils they receive government money to impound the majority of animals coming into their "care". Of the animals not reclaimed by their owners in time last year, most were killed (13,594 in total).
They are also contracted to provide Animal Control Officers to Councils. They have the power to hand out fines and seize people's pets.
Yet They Claim to Receive No Government Funding?¶
The Lost Dogs Home repeated claims to receive no government funding despite the fact that local government pays them to impound the majority of the animals.
The home, founded by a group of animal lovers in 1911, gets no government funding. However, Dr Smith revealed that in the past year - apart from Mr Samways's gift - it had received more than $6 million in bequests and donations.
"$3m benefactor Frank Samways is a dog's - and the Lost Dogs Home's - best friend" -Â The Age, 29 July 2011
Here Graeme Smith is reported to have made the claim personally,
The Lost Dogs Home's Graeme Smith said the organisation did not receive any government funding, unlike the RSPCA. ''Tenders are judged on many factors. These include financial, ability to deliver, customer service, management, quality, etc,'' Mr Smith said.
- "Pound kill rate sparks concern" The Age 1 May, 2011
This week Graeme Smith stood by and made no effort to correct a television reporter who claimed his company "relies solely on the public's generosity to get by financially". The ABC have since issued a correction to the story after a viewer complaint. Why does it take a concerned member of the public to notify them when Graeme Smith was standing right beside the reporter?
LDH get $3 mil donation from Goodfordogs on Vimeo.
The Public are Being Misled¶
If you live in Melbourne there's a reasonable chance you're already paying The Lost Dogs Home to impound cats and dogs through your Council rates. The majority of animals not claimed by owners are being killed.
It appears the media are being told a very different story and are not checking the facts. Members of the public deserve to know the truth about where their money is going.
The same message applies to the Cat Protection Society of Victoria.