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Bookmarklet for ServiceNow Ticket Markdown Links

A bookmarklet to simplify extracting Markdown links from ServiceNow tickets.

  • Extracts the Task ID from the page title.
  • Constructs a simplified URL similar to the "Copy URL" from the ServiceNow menu.

A hyperlink takes one mouseclick to view compared to:

  1. Copying Ticket ID to clipboard: 2 clicks, Ctrl+C
  2. Switching to web browser: Alt+TAB (TAB TAB TAB where is it)
  3. Opening Service Now from folder in browser bookmark bar: 2 clicks
  4. Selecting search field: 1 click
  5. Pasting Ticket ID from clipboard: CTRL-V + Enter

Bookmarklet Code:

javascript: (function () {
  var taskNumber = document.title.split("|")[0].trim();
  var decodedUrl = decodeURIComponent(window.location.href);
  var sys_id_match = decodedUrl.match(/sys_id=([a-f0-9]+)/);
  var sys_id = sys_id_match ? sys_id_match[1] : "";
  var baseUrl = window.location.origin;
  var type;
  if (decodedUrl.includes("/")) {
    type = "";
  } else if (decodedUrl.includes("/")) {
    type = "";
  } else if (decodedUrl.includes("/")) {
    type = "";
  } else if (decodedUrl.includes("/")) {
    type = "";  // Support for requested item
  } else {
    alert("Unrecognized type");
  var shortUrl = baseUrl + "/" + type + "?sys_id=" + sys_id;
  if (decodedUrl.includes("")) {
    prompt("Markdown Link:", "[" + taskNumber + "](" + shortUrl + ")");
  } else {
    alert("Not a ServiceNow ticket");


  1. Create a link in your browser's bookmarks bar.
  2. Enter the contents above.
  3. Click it on a ServiceNow ticket page.
  4. A prompt will display the Markdown link for the ticket, ready to copy.