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Keyboard Shortcuts for VS Code

Default shortcuts

UI and Workspace Controls

Action Shortcut Comment
Collapse Folders in Explorer Ctrl + Shift + P
Show Explorer Ctrl + Shift + E
Show Git Ctrl + Shift + G G
Toggle Activity Bar visibility Ctrl + B
Go Back Ctrl + Alt + -
Toggle light/dark mode Ctrl + K, K
Zen mode (focus on the code) Ctrl + K, Z
Filter tree view Ctrl + Alt + F Useful for explorer view


Action Shortcut
Multiple cursors Ctrl + Alt + ↑/↓
Put cursors in multiple spots Alt + Click
Toggle line wrap Alt + Z
Toggle comment on line(s) Ctrl + /
Indent line(s) Tab
Unindent line(s) Shift + Tab

Shortcuts to disable

Action Shortcut Comment
Vim: editorFocus... Ctrl + F Clashes with Find
Ctrl + P Clashes with Quick Open Dialog
## Custom shortcuts
Action Shortcut
- Maximise / minimise panel
Ctrl + M