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Aider Configuration

Set options with:

  • environment variable: AIDER_DARK_MODE
  • .env file: AIDER_DARK_MODE
  • .aider.conf.yml: dark-mode: true
  • Command line switch: --dark-mode.

Aider has many options which can be set with command line switches. Most options can also be set in an .aider.conf.yml file which can be placed in your home directory or at the root of your git repo. Or by setting environment variables like AIDER_xxx either in your shell or a .env file.

Here are 4 equivalent ways of setting an option.

With a command line switch:

$ aider --dark-mode

Using a .aider.conf.yml file:

dark-mode: true

By setting an environment variable:

export AIDER_DARK_MODE=true

Using an .env file: