Git branches¶
Local Branches¶
Branches with unmerged changes:
Branches merged into main:
List branches in order of most recent commit:
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/remotes/ --format="%(refname:short)%09%(committerdate:iso8601)%09%(committername)%09%(subject)" | columnise
origin/feat-fix 2023-02-08 17:46:47 +1100 Some Person Fixing the stack name to make it unique
origin/r53-feat 2023-02-08 17:15:10 +1100 Another Person Renaming the file
Maintain standard initial branch¶
Remote Branches¶
Checkout a remote branch:
Delete remote branch:
Rename default branch:
I don't want to have to remember what the default branch is named.
git branch -m main master
git push -u origin master
Fix a branch where I rebased from upstream and it rewrote the commits¶
ask> maybe I should create a new branch and cherry pick my four commits into it? Or git reset --hard upstream/main on my branch and then cherry pick my new commits?
Yes, that's a cleaner approach! Since you have exactly 4 commits that represent your actual changes, creating a fresh branch would be simpler. Here's how:
# First make sure you're up-to-date with upstream
git fetch upstream
# Create a new branch from upstream/main
git checkout -b feat/allow-use-of-other-whisper-api-endpoints-take-3 upstream/main
# Cherry pick your 4 commits (in chronological order)
git cherry-pick 9e23254a # feat: Support custom Whisper API endpoints for voice transcription
git cherry-pick 7891e92a # feat: Add support for custom Whisper API endpoints with robust key handling
git cherry-pick d448bd8c # fix: Update test to properly simulate custom API base validation
git cherry-pick b9ad3eba # refactor: Remove redundant test for custom Whisper API configuration
# Push the new branch to your fork
git push origin feat/allow-use-of-other-whisper-api-endpoints-take-3