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GitHub Command Palette

Keyboard Shortcuts for GitHub Command Palette (

  • Search: Ctrl-K
  • Run command: Ctrl-Shift-K


  • Watch releases You can limit repository notifications exclusively to releases.

Follow releases: or user)/(repo)/releases.atom

Issue and Pull Request templates

Creating an issue from a task list item (

Within an issue, you can use task lists to break work into smaller tasks and track the full set of work to completion. If a task requires further tracking or discussion, you can convert the task to an issue by hovering over the task and clicking target in the upper-right corner of the task. For more information, see "About task lists."

Github Organizations

Settings to stop repo visibility being set to public:

Default visibility for new repositories ( Now, when you're signed into GitHub through an organization's single sign on service and create a new repository through the website navigation, the default selection is Private.

Restricting repository visibility changes in your organization You can restrict the ability to change repository visibility to organization owners only, or you can allow anyone with admin access to a repository to change visibility.

GitHub Actions


Watch Workflow run in realtime:

gh run watch
  • Workflow: runs one or more jobs
  • Event: triggers Action
  • Job:
  • set of steps that execute on the same runner
  • shell script or Action
  • Action: custom application
  • Runner: server that runs your workflows