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Python tool for managing git pre-commit hooks


Install pre-commit into your repo's git hooks

  • Do this whenever on any checked out repo where you want pre-commit to run on every commit.
     pre-commit install

Run manually:

pre-commit run --all-files

Output from failing git commit:

> git -c user.useConfigOnly=true commit --quiet --allow-empty-message --file - -S
check for added large files..............................................Passed
Markdown Link Check......................................................Failed
- hook id: markdown-link-check
- exit code: 1

ERROR: 1 dead links found in personal/Daily/2024-01/ !
  [✖] ../tasks/ → Status: 400


pip install --upgrade identify
pip install --upgrade pre-commit

Shell completion script: Takishima/pre-commit-completion Bash completion for pre-commit with hook id completion provided based on the rapidyaml , c4core and c4fs libraries (


Add .pre-commit-config.yaml to git repo

Setup the git hook scripts

pre-commit install

Lock external hooks to a specific version (git sha) with:

pre-commit autoupdate --freeze


rm -fr .git && git init && git-config-personal && pre-commit install && git add . && git commit



Notes from aider

Pre-commit Hooks

The project uses pre-commit hooks to automatically format code, lint, and run other checks before committing changes. After cloning the repository, run the following command to set up the pre-commit hooks:

pre-commit install

pre-commit will then run automatically on each git commit command. You can use the following command line to run pre-commit manually:

pre-commit run --all-files