- Daring Fireball Markdown Syntax Documentation
- CommonMark (
- GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) Spec ( CommonMark with extensions
- microsoft/markitdown Python tool for converting files and office documents to Markdown. (
- Obsidian: Cross Platform, WYSIWYG, extensive plugins (tables, calendar, etc)
- README: Cross Platform, Live Preview, Syntax Highlighting, Linting, Plugins
- vim: Cross Platform, Terminal, Syntax Highlighting, Linting
- Web App
Web Clipping¶
- Markdownload : A Firefox and Google Chrome extension to clip websites and download them into a readable markdown file. (
- It's a bit buggy - including
in copied links sometimes
- It's a bit buggy - including
- Markdown Links
- Markdown code blocks
- Headings may be folded in some editors/viewers (README)
Python-Markdown requires 4 spaces for list indentation
Sorry, but the quote from Gruber's rules which is contained in our explanation...
each subsequent paragraph in a list item must be indented by either 4 spaces or one tab
... can only be interpreted one way by me. Nothing will persuade me otherwise. Gruber simply failed to follow his own rule in his implementation. I have not made that mistake and never will. End of discussion.
That said, you are free to implement your own behavior in an extension/fork/clone/whatever.